Wednesday 20 May 2015

Prevent Hair Loss (Howzz It Done)

1. Limit your use of Hair dryers.

Heat weakens hair proteins and constant heating and drying can lead to brittleness and fragility which can cause hair loss. So, natural drying is best for your hair. Other devices that heat your hair include hot curlers and hot brushes. Also if you do use heated tools, be careful because burned scalps can permanently damage hair follicles.

2. Cut down on dyes and chemicals.

Use of hair coloring chemical increases the chances of serious hair damage being done to your hair. Never color your hair more often than every 4-6 weeks. If you do color your hair, its a good idea to use a conditioning shampoo or conditioner after shampooing.



3. Have a healthy balanced diet.

A healthy body is more likely to have healthy hair than an unhealthy one. It is possible that hair loss can be slowed by a healthy diet filled with fruits and vegetables

4. Consume plenty of iron.

Iron is an essential mineral and its deficiency can cause anemia that disrupts the supply of nutrients to your hair follicles, potentially increasing hair loss. So, to avoid this, be sure to consume iron rich food in your diet which includes red meat, chicken, fish, green vegetables like broccoli, spinach etc.

5. Eat enough proteins.

A deficiency in protein can lead to dry and weak hair and ultimately hair loss. Adequate protein provides amino acids that strengthen hair. Proteins can be obtained from seafood, milk, cheese, eggs, beans, brown rice, nuts, broccoli etc.

6. Consume vitamin C.

Foods with plenty of vitamin c help in good absorption of iron, so try and combine iron rich foods with those that are rich in vitamin c. Vitamin c also helps in the production of collagen which in turn strengthens capillaries which supply your hair shafts. Good sources of vitamin c include tomatoes, blueberries, blackberries, citrus fruits etc.

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7. Ensure you get enough omega 3 fatty acids.

These fats keep hair healthy and have a role in preventing hair from becoming dry and brittle. They are important fats that your body cannot make itself, but have to be obtained through your diet. These fats can be obtained from fishes such as tuna, salmon and also from nuts, walnuts, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds.

8. Eat foods rich in biotin.

Biotin is a water soluble vitamin b. It is of particular importance for your hair, as its deficiency can cause your hair to become brittle and could accelerate their loss. Good sources of biotin include egg white, liver, walnuts, yeast, soy floor.

9. Hair oil massage.

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The first step that you can to reduce hair loss is to massage your scalp with hair oil. Proper hair and scalp massage will increase blood flow to hair follicles, condition scalp and enhance the strength of your hair roots. You can use hair oils like coconut or almond oil, castor oil, amla oil. Add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to the base oil for better and faster results. Massage with any of the above mentioned oils in your hair and scalp by applying  light pressure with the fingertips. Do it at least once a month.

10. Aloe vera and green tea.

Aloe vera contains enzymes that directly promote hair growth. Also its alkalizing properties can help bring the scalp and hair pH to a more desirable level, that can greatly promote hair growth. Regular use can also relieve scalp itching, redness and inflammation. 
Moreover, green tea also prevents hair loss and promote hair growth. Apply warm green tea (two bags brewed in one cup of water) on your scalp and leave it for an hour and then rinse it.
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Friday 15 May 2015

Loose weight quickly ( Howzz it done )

   1.  Write down what you eat for one week and you will lose    weight.
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Studies found that people who keep food diaries wind up eating about 15 percent less food than those who don’t. Watch out for weekends: A University of North Carolina study found people tend to consume an extra 115 calories per weekend day, primarily from alcohol and fat. Then cut out or down calories from spreads, dressings, sauces, condiments, drinks, and snacks; they could make the difference between weight gain and loss.

2. Wait until your stomach rumbles before you reach for
It’s stunning how often we eat out of boredom, nervousness, habit, or frustration—so often, in fact, that many of us have actually forgotten what physical hunger feels like. If you’re        hankering for a specific food, it’s probably a craving, not hunger. If you’d eat anything you could get your hands on, chances are you’re truly hungry. Find ways other than eating to
express love, tame stress, and relieve boredom.

3. Stare at the color blue.

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There’s a good reason you won’t see many fast-food restaurants decorated in blue: it functions as an appetite suppressant. So serve up dinner on blue plates, dress in blue while you eat, and cover your table with a blue tablecloth. Conversely, avoid red, yellow, and orange in your dining areas. Studies find they encourage eating.
4. Eat in front of mirrors and you’ll lose weight.

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One study found that eating in front of mirrors slashed the amount people ate by nearly one-        third. Having to look yourself in the eye reflects back some of your own inner standards and goals, and reminds you of why you’re trying to lose weight in the first place.
5. Throw out your “fat” clothes for good.

Once you’ve started losing weight, throw out or give away every piece of clothing that doesn’t fit. The idea of having to buy a whole new wardrobe if you gain the weight back will serve as a strong incentive to stay fit.

 6. Get most of your calories before noon.

Studies find that the more you eat in the morning, the less you’ll eat in the evening. And you have more opportunities to burn off those early-day calories than you do to burn off dinner calories.
7. Brush your teeth after every meal, especially dinner.

 That clean, minty freshness will serve as a cue to your body and brain that mealtime is over.
 8. Skip the salty aisle.

I reached my goal weight after I stopped routinely buying snacks at the grocery store. If I wanted a bag of chips or a candy bar, I had to walk to the store to get it. That inconvenience usually made me ignore my cravings.
 9. Kick the habit.

Image result for smoking cigarettes
I quit smoking, and right away joined a gym and started working out with a personal trainer. There was no way I could exercise and feel healthy if I kept lighting up. I've already dropped 37 pounds in three months

Try this e cigarette instead by visiting the following link (copy and paste the link in the address box)

10. Get fit in five.
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I try to fit in small bouts of exercise whenever possible, like doing jumping jacks or crunches during television commercials or dancing while washing dishes. This burns extra calories and keeps me from mindlessly munching in front of the TV. Now my clothes fit way better, and I’m more toned than ever.

Herbalife Formula 1 Chocolate Shake Formula 3 Protein Powder - 500 g

Visit the following link for this amazing product to help you loose weight quickly (copy and paste the link in the address box)